Ultimate GIKI Engineering Test Preparation Course

GIKI Undergraduate Admission Tests

Ultimate GIKI Engineering Test Preparation Course

Acquire the essential knowledge and strategies to join the prestigious GIKI

PKR 5322

Ultimate GIKI Engineering Test Preparation Course: Course Overview


GIKI (Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology) is a prestigious engineering institution in Pakistan known for its excellence in education and research. At Tabir, we offer the Ultimate GIKI Engineering Test Preparation Course, meticulously designed to help students succeed in the highly competitive GIKI entrance exam. Our experienced instructors, comprehensive curriculum, and personalized attention empower students with the knowledge, skills, and strategies needed to excel in the exam and secure admission to GIKI. Join us at Tabir and embark on a transformative learning journey towards your engineering aspirations at GIKI.




High Scoring Challenge: Challenge yourself until you master every concept.

Learning box: Super Easy way to learn all the complex concepts.

Mastery Levels: Learn to tackle easy, medium, and difficult questions. Preparation gets better by clearing each level 

Time saver: 5x Faster Preparation. Score well in no time. Prepare in just 15 days

Bonus Feature: Tabir is Fun 

Progress Bar: 100 percent progress at the progress bar means you are ready for your exam.




Covers topics from All Subjects featured in the entrance test for BS Engineering programs at GIKI





I hope inshallah I will pass the GIKI test. In this regard Tabir Academy help me alot. Thank you for this golden opportunity. Love you Tabir Academy



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